URWAN addresses the critical link between urban regeneration and resources, exploiting nature-based solutions’ role in integrating water management and climate change adaptation. The project involves 9 partners from 7 Mediterranean countries, who will jointly implement activities affecting the decision-making process to multiply the impacts of public funds.

The partnership capitalises on innovative participatory approaches and existing Nature Based Solutions (NBSs) while demonstrating the importance of making these solutions multifunctional. Thanks to the URWAN Catalogue, NBS knowledge will be harmonised in order to achieve a global overview of existing solutions and support final users in the co-design of the most suitable solutions. Further, URWAN transforms 3 public buildings into “water producers”, promoting green urban surfaces as a place-based transformative potential by implementing transnational experimental interventions.

The project involves decision-makers and stakeholders in 6 cities to co-design multifunctional NBSs in a climate change scenario and deliver Road Maps towards adaptation.

The avant-garde idea is to inspire decision-makers to valorise NBSs as resources for generating urban sustainability, beauty, and social inclusion, i.e., “needs behind functionality”, as stated in the New European Bauhaus Initiative
Objective: Promote climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches

Activity:  SVI.MED. will capitalise and share with the partnership the experience of the Green Wall of Ferla, realized within the NAWAMED project, in order to integrate and enhance the proposed innovative solutions and inspire policy makers to value NBS as a resource to generate urban sustainability, beauty and social inclusion, that is, “needs behind functionality” as stated in the New European Bauhaus Initiative.

Furthermore, SVI.MED. will test in Ferla (SR) and 2 other cities (Ptuj in Slovenia and Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina) an Integrated Decisional Support System (IDSS) to create a virtual twin of the urban area and involve stakeholders in a joint decision-making process to provide the city with a master plan, in order to adopt NBS to become a more resilient territory.



  1. Regional Association of Italian Towns in Lazio – ANCI Lazio – Italy (IT) – Lead Partner
  2. IRIDRA s.r.l. – Italy (IT)
  3. EuroMediterranean Center for the Sustainable Development – SVIMED – Italy (IT)
  4. Make it Better, Association for Innovation & Social Economy – MiB – Portugal (PT)
  5. MedCities – España (ES)
  7. Larnaka Municipality – Kýpros (CY)
  8. Energy and Water Agency – EWA – Malta (MT)
  9. City of Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)


  1. Municipio IX Roma Capitale – Italy (IT)
  2. Ferla Municipality – Italy (IT)
  3. American University of Beirut, AUB – Lebanon (LB)
  4. Mestna občina Ptuj – Slovenija (SI)
  5. Centre de Recherches et des Technologies des Eaux, CERTE – Tunisia (TN)
  6. Jerash Municipality, Jordan (JO)
  7. Fondazione Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici – Italy (IT)
  8. Ayuntamiento de Málaga – España (ES)
  9. AMCAL – Associação de Municípios do Alentejo Central – Portugal (PT)
  10. Município de Cuba – Portugal (PT)
  11. Sarajevska regionalna razvojna agencija -SERDA – Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)


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Contact person:

Barbara Sarnari, project coordinator

+39 3891877681


  • NOME DEL PROGETTO URWAN – Urban Regenerative Water Avant-garde(N)
  • PERIODO DI SVOLGIMENTO 01/01/2024 a 31/09/2026
  • BUDGET TOTALE 2.836.118,00 € (80% contributo Interreg Euro-MED)
  • SITO WEB https://urwan.interreg-euro-med.eu/