
Sicily owns a cultural heritage and unique landscape and is characterized by its richness of varieties. The natural resources are scarce but man has learned to develop them and consequently to make fair and sustainable use of them. The actions for the protection of environment that have been put in evidence in these past years indicate an increased knowledge and environmental consciousness, even though much still remains to be done. The natural landscape has changed much in these last years, caused by phenomena of massive industrialization, illicit factories, hydrogeological crisis, deforestation and considerable spreading of cultivation in green houses.


Project leader: University of Catania – Faculty of Agriculture – Ragusa offices – Department of agricultural engineering – www.dia.unict.it

  1. Reclamation Consortium n.8 of Ragusa (web.quipo.it/consorzio8rg)
  2. Malta Resources Authority – Directorate for Water Resources Regulation (www.mra.org.mt)

Aims and results:

  1. Exchanges of experiences on integrated management of the water resources;
  2. definition of the present state of the existing water systems on the island of Malta and in the Province of Ragusa and analysis of the major anthropogenic pressures that such resources are forced to undergo;
  3. technical economical estimations relating to the application of the European rules for the management of waters;
  4. the potential use of purified waste water and analysis of structural and non-structural for their use.


  1. Studies and exchanges of experience and knowledge regarding the management, treatment and saving water, with particular reference to supply water, and its reuse;
  2. elaboration and implementation of protocols d common action in the fields covered by the measure;
  3. networking responsible for the management and protection of territory and creation of information systems;
  4. exchanges of experience and personnel training, studies and joint interventions in the management of natural resources;
  5. creation and development of networks of cooperation and exchanges of experience between environmental authorities.

Expected results

  1. Exchange of experiences on sustainable management of water resources in the territories under investigation;
  2. framework updated using advanced technologies on the state of the art on the use and quality of water resources;
  3. development of guidelines for the implementation of EU directives on the management of water resources;
  4. development of guidelines for sustainable management of groundwater and for the use of purified waste water for irrigation and urban use is not drinkable.

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  • Titolo del progetto Inwaterman
  • Fonte di finanziamento Interreg IIIA Italia Malta 2000-2006 – Periodo 2006-2008
  • Periodo di svolgimento
  • Importo finanziato € 519.000,00
  • Sito web http://www.inwaterman.eu