logo archaeotur_DEFDescription:

Archaeotur wants to promote and enhance the archaeological sites of the Iblei and Malta to make them potential attractors for the cultural tourism of the two areas and to strengthen competitiveness and improve the tourist image in international circuits, through the implementation of a plan of integrated management of archaeological sites, the planning of activities, the joint development of services.

The sites affected by the promotion initiatives and the territorial actions are the catacombs of: Ta ‘Bistra (Mosta), St. Augustine (Rabat), Cava Celone, Cisternazzi and Donnafugata (Ragusa) and Mezzagnone, Pirrera and Mirio (Santa Croce C. ), capitalizing on the Cultexchange know-how for their recovery, conservation and usability.

In Ta ‘Bistra a visitor center will be developed and all the sites will adopt innovative promotion systems: 3D videos, educational didactic programs, ICT equipment such as touch screens and multimedia kiosks to provide information and multimedia images. Tourists can download the maps of the “heritage trails” to be covered in the areas, distinguishing them by themes and providing information on accessibility, with attention to the fragile categories (children and the disabled). Archaeotur will set up the two areas of Ragusa and Malta for a joint development of innovative and modern services.



Mosta Municipality (LP) Malta
Heritage Malta Malta
Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) Malta
Rabat Municipality Malta
Ragusa Municipality Italy
Superintendence of BB.CC. Ragusa Italy
Santa Croce Municipality Italy
Giri Travel srl Italy


Objectives and results: 

  • Improve site conservation and raise existing quality standards through environmental investigations and LAC analysis, aimed at verifying visitor impact on site sustainability and monitoring tourism flow;
  • Improve the accessibility of the sites also for the disabled;
  • Implement a Management and Definition Plan of Heritage Trails, to improve strategic planning, site management skills and diversify the tourist offer (integrated tourist circuit Archaeotur), contributing to the deseasonalization of flows;
  • Set up sites with technological support for their enhancement and better usability;
  • Implement a Communication and Marketing Plan, to increase stakeholder participation and interest, promote the integrated tourist circuit (Ragusa-Malta) Archaeotur.




  • Titolo del progetto ARCHAEOTUR - Gestione integrata e promozione dei siti archeologici a Ragusa e a Malta
  • Fonte di finanziamento Interreg IVA Italia Malta 2007-2013, 2011-2013
  • Periodo di svolgimento 04/04/2011 - 03/10/2013
  • Importo finanziato 1.369.817 €
  • Sito web http://www.archaeotur.eu