Between 2006 and 2008 she worked at the Sicilian Region P.O.R. 2000-2006 for the evaluation of the interventions of the Department of Productive Activities for the elaboration of monitoring reports, implementation of the Caronte platform.
In 2006 she collaborated with Federculture for technical monitoring, data collection on the application of the CCNL contract for the culture/performing arts sector, with activities of collection, systematisation, data processing. In 2007, she collaborated with Formez in the identification of models for the participation of regional and local actors in the development policies of Sicilian production districts.
From 2008 to date she has been working at SVI.MED. for the technical monitoring of European and/or national projects in which SVI.MED. is a partner, for: data collection, evaluation of the degree of achievement of the objectives and expected results, relevance of the outputs produced and activities carried out, impact. Tools used: questionnaires, telephone interviews, google forms, report writing, platform implementation.
Technical assistance for monitoring and reporting to public and private bodies on various platforms, including CARONTE, SIGMA, MULTIFONDO and ReGiS platform for PNRR projects.