The concept of Sustainable Development involves institutional, social, economic and environmental aspects, according to an interdisciplinary approach which citizens, enterprises and the local and national operators have referred to, in order to face the principal environmental problems, since 1992 RIO LECTURE.
Hence, SVIMED develops the following activities:
- To promote concrete actions through the European Territorial Cooperation
- To build networks with European and extra European organizations
- To encourage and support the adoption of Agenda 21 and voluntary instruments
- To support sustainable processes of territorial and local governance
- To promote debates, research and innovation on the sustainable development
- To promote educational activities and programs
- To develop communication strategies and tools
- To involve key-actors into technical meetings and “negotiation” processes.
- To organise training courses in the fields of cultural and environmental issues
The main field of intervention of SVI.MED. is the European Union and thus, the Euro-planning: identification and analysis of problems, proposition of possible and sustainable solutions, individuation and coordination of international partnerships, application of European calls and management of European funds, with integrated capacities and competencies. SVI.MED. is a valid partner for European Projects, collaborating on submitting the project package for financing, setting up international networks, negotiating agreement with JTS and MA of European programmes. SVI.MED. offers its experience in planning and managing Community projects, such as INTERREG EUROPE, INTERREG MED, ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, Life+, IEE, ENI, YOUTH, and Regional and National funds as well.
Visit our network:
- ACR+, european network of regions and cities on waste;
- Nowastenet, No.Waste platform;
- CENSE, Network on Circular Economy;
- Covenant of Mayors;
- Feeding Knowledge, lBest Practices of EXPO 2015;
- Settimana Europea per la Riduzione dei Rifiuti;
- Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua;
- Agenda 2030, Sviluppo Sostenibile e obiettivi;
- Programma Operativo Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale Sicilia 2007-2013;