Experience in administration, business planning and control, POR project reporting, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification systems, EMAS accreditation validation coordinator, planning and monitoring of training projects.
Since 2012 in SVI.MED:
– Responsible for public and private entities (SVI.MED. subcontractor), for assistance monitoring and reporting activities on platforms including: SGP – SANA – fse 1420 CARONTE and SIGMA, ULYSSE, MULTIFONDO, SYNERGIE CTE, JEMS and ReGiS platform for PNRR projects.
– Responsible for accounting/financial management of national and European projects (SVI.MED. partner) including: preparation of documents, drafting of interim and final financial reports, verification of progress of expenditure liquidation, uploading of expenditure to IT reporting systems, project closure activities and completion of related tasks.