In line with the international debate on the possible transition from a linear to a circular economy, SVI.MED., following the success of the 2014 edition of “Towards a Circular Economy with Zero Waste”, which was attended by numerous experts from all over Italy, has organized the II edition 2016 of the workshop, in collaboration with the Union of Municipalities of Valley of Iblei. The Workshop, the main event in Italy of CENSE project, was aimed to bring in Sicily concrete proposals and best practices which are in line with the European Commission Communication “EU action Plan for the circular economy”.
The workshop “Towards a Circular Economy. From theory to practice. Sharing best practices”, took place in Syracuse, on April 8, 2016, focuses on a first part about the comparison between European and national strategy on the application of circular economy, and a second round of parallel workshops to stimulate an open and constructive discussion on existing practices and case studies in the national context.
CENSE WG Meeting Italy_April 2016